Tee-rific Art: 25,000 Golf Tees Form Tiger Woods Portrait

Missouri artist Aaron Norris recently completed a 6-foot x 6-foot wall art of Tiger Woods using 25,000 new and broken golf tees. Norris, a 43-year-old golf enthusiast, got the idea from observing broken tees on his local golf course. He collected the tees over the summer and fall, with some help from neighbors who played golf.
The portrait, depicting Tiger Woods reading a putt, has already been sold for an undisclosed amount. Norris spent $400 on additional tees, with roughly half collected from the golf courses. This unique piece adds to Norris’s portfolio, which includes works like a Muhammad Ali oil canvas, an Elon Musk mosaic bead portrait, and a painting of NFL football stars, the Kelce brothers.
While Norris has received many sports commissions, this Tiger Woods portrait marks his first use of actual sports equipment in his artwork.