Mystery Monolith in Nevada

A monolith appeared in the Nevada desert, prompting speculation about its origin. The Las Vegas Police Department discovered the structure during a search and rescue mission north of Las Vegas Valley.
“We see a lot of weird things … but check this out!” the police posted on social media.
The monolith resembles those that appeared globally in 2020. Located near Gass Peak, a hiking area in the Nevada desert about an hour north of Las Vegas, the tall, rectangular, reflective structure was photographed in rugged terrain.
“HOW did it get up there??” the Las Vegas Police Department questioned on social media.
The monolith resembles those in “2001: A Space Odyssey,” a 1968 film by Stanley Kubrick, featuring imposing black structures created by an unseen alien species, based on Arthur C. Clarke’s writing.
Similar monoliths appeared around the world four years ago, including in the Utah desert, Romania, California, and the Isle of Wight. Their discovery puzzled local authorities, and speculation arose about their purpose, possibly as part of an art installation. However, no one has claimed responsibility.
Unlike the Utah monument, which was around 12 feet, this one is at six feet, five inches and has three faces. The monolith was made of folded sheet metal and held together with rebar and concrete, authorities said.
A monolith also appeared on a hilltop in Wales in March. It also offered no clues about its origin.