Potential Cancer Vaccine

Researchers at Western University have identified a protein with the unique ability to halt DNA damage, which could pave the way for new cancer vaccines and drought-resistant crops.

The protein, called DdrC, was found in Deinococcus radiodurans, a bacterium known for its ability to survive extreme radiation levels that would kill regular human cells. Lead researcher Robert Szabla explains that DdrC plays a crucial role in repairing damaged DNA, similar to an athlete recovering from severe injuries overnight.

Unlike human cells, which die if their DNA suffers more than two breaks, Deinococcus can repair hundreds of breaks with the help of DdrC. Szabla’s team used the Canadian Light Source at the University of Saskatchewan to map the 3D structure of the protein, revealing how it detects and traps DNA breaks, preventing further damage and signaling for repair.

DdrC stands out because it works independently, unlike most proteins that rely on complex networks to function. When tested in E. coli, it made the bacterium 40 times more resistant to UV radiation. This discovery suggests that DdrC could enhance DNA repair in various organisms, potentially leading to breakthroughs in biotechnology, such as cancer prevention.

The researchers are just beginning to explore the potential of Deinococcus, with many more proteins yet to be studied that could offer new insights and applications.

Sharkskin on Airplanes

Companies often find themselves balancing the desire to cut emissions with the need to grow profits. For airlines, however, these goals can align perfectly. Reducing carbon emissions translates to burning less fuel, which also means spending less on fuel. This is why Lufthansa has adopted a strategy inspired by nature: applying a special film that mimics sharkskin to parts of its aircraft.

One of the biggest challenges is that jet fuel’s volumetric energy density—nearly 50 times higher than alternatives like hydrogen, ethanol, or lithium-ion batteries—makes it difficult to find a substitute that can power long-haul flights. While other forms of transportation can more easily switch to alternative fuels, aviation remains dependent on jet fuel, making decarbonization especially tough.

The aviation industry is exploring synthetic carbon fuels, but these come with their own set of issues. Biofuels can divert resources from food production, and direct air capture of carbon dioxide to convert into fuel is energy-intensive and expensive—potentially costing five times more than extracting oil from the ground. Moreover, direct air capture technology has yet to be scaled up to an industrial level.

Lufthansa is fitting four Boeing 777-200ER aircraft, operated by Austrian Airlines, with sharkskin-inspired technology, joining 17 other planes in their fleet (including a Lufthansa Boeing 747-400, 12 Swiss Boeing 777-200ERs, and four Lufthansa Cargo Boeing 777Fs) that already feature the AeroSHARK film.

The film will cover nearly 9,000 square feet (830 m²) of the planes’ surfaces, including the fuselage and engine nacelles. The AeroSHARK film is designed with 50-micron-thick riblets that mimic the scales of real sharkskin, reducing friction by minimizing turbulence in the boundary layer.

In sharks, this natural design reduces drag by about 10 percent compared to smooth skin, a principle that has also benefited Olympic swimmers. While the effect on aircraft is less dramatic, it is still expected to reduce fuel consumption by around 1 percent per flight. While 1 percent might not sound like a huge amount alone. However, in the long run, 1% really starts to add up.

Lufthansa aims to complete these upgrades by March next year.

Rare Ocelot Sighting in Arizona

A recent animal sighting in Arizona has drawn attention: an ocelot, a small wildcat species, was recorded in the Atascosa Highlands of Southern Arizona’s Coronado National Forest.

Native mostly to South and Central America, ocelots once ranged further north, including areas above the Rio Grande. The cat was captured on camera by one of 50 traps set by the Phoenix Zoo as part of a wildlife monitoring project. The slopes of the Tumacacori, Atascosa, and Pajarito mountains, covered in thornscrub and oak woodlands, provide ideal terrain for this nocturnal predator.

Kinley Ragan, the Phoenix Zoo’s field research project manager, discovered the footage during a routine battery check, which required a 40-minute hike in 95-degree heat. “The ocelot video was one of the last I reviewed, and it gave me chills,” Ragan said. “I couldn’t believe it at first, but then I realized the significance of this discovery.”

The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) confirmed that this is a new ocelot, identified through a pelage spot analysis. Ocelots have been listed as endangered in the United States since 1972 and are rarely seen in Arizona. This particular cat was observed in desert scrub at lower elevations than usual for ocelots in the state.

Another ocelot has been consistently recorded over the past year in the Huachuca mountain range, more than 50 miles away from this new sighting. A previous survey in the area identified 21 mammal species but no ocelots. With this new evidence, the zoo plans to conduct broader surveys and DNA analysis from nearby water sources to better understand the ocelot’s presence in the area and possibly reveal more about this region of the American desert.

Electric Bandage Accelerates Healing of Chronic Wounds

Researchers have created an affordable bandage that uses an electric field to accelerate the healing of chronic wounds. In animal tests, researchers found that mice treated with these electric bandages healed 30% faster than those treated with traditional bandages. The study was published in Science Advances.

“Our aim was to create an affordable technology that speeds up healing for patients with chronic wounds,” said Amay Bandodkar, study co-author and assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at North Carolina State University, in a press release. “We also wanted the technology to be simple enough for people to use at home, rather than something that requires clinical administration.” Chronic wounds are tissue injuries that fail to heal properly within three months, often leading to impaired function and anatomy.

These disposable bandages are activated by water and feature electrodes that contact the wound, with a battery placed on the outside. The battery generates an electric field lasting several hours, which accelerates the healing process.

“The electrical stimulation from the device sped up wound closure, promoted the formation of new blood vessels, and reduced inflammation—all of which contribute to improved wound healing,” said Maggie Jakus, a co-first author and graduate student at Columbia University. The study notes that chronic wounds affect about 2% of the U.S. population, increasing the risks of amputation and mortality. Unfortunately, current treatments are often expensive, complex, and only moderately effective.

The research was conducted by a team of 17 scientists from Columbia University, North Carolina State University, University of North Carolina, Harvard Medical School, Georgia Institute of Technology, and other institutions.

According to the study, if the bandages can be successfully manufactured, they would only cost around $1.

Plastic from Corn Waste

An Indian entrepreneur is using sugar, cellulose, and corn fibers to create a plastic-like bag for small Indian businesses. His company, Bio Reform, has already replaced 6 million plastic bags at checkout counters across India.

Based in Hyderabad, Mohammed Azhar Mohiuddin conceived the idea during the pandemic. He focused on society’s heavy reliance on plastic, particularly plastic shopping bags, and sought an alternative.

While large brands were switching to paper or jute alternatives, small and medium businesses in India found biodegradable bags too expensive. Mohiuddin researched a biodegradable polymer called PBAT (Polybutylene adipate-co-terephthalate), developed in the 1980s using corn and potatoes.

After navigating scams and government quarantines to find suitable machinery in Gujarat, his presentation on PBAT secured nearly $100,000 (RS1 crore) in seed funding, allowing him to launch the project. “I tried to balance both my studies and the operations of the company—from collecting raw material, assisting workers to manufacture bags, delivering the products in the market,” Mohiuddin told The Better India. “I used to sleep in a corner in the factory.”

Despite facing bankruptcy, university challenges, and a backlog of orders, Bio Reform eventually turned a profit and now produces nearly 500,000 bags annually, with a gross revenue of $180,000.

“Issues related to plastic pollution are not limited to affecting aquatic life and animals anymore. Today, microplastic has reached our bloodstream. Bottled water contains microplastics. Addressing this is an important and urgent problem,” he told TBI.