Snail Poison as Diabetes and Hormone Drug

Cone snail venom could be the key to developing better diabetes treatments, according to a recent study. Researchers found that the toxin from the Conus geographus, one of the most venomous creatures on Earth, might also help create new drugs for other hormone-related conditions.

The team, led by scientists from the University of Utah, identified a component in the venom that mimics somatostatin, a human hormone that regulates blood sugar and several other hormones. This toxin, called consomatin, helps the snail immobilize its prey. In humans, somatostatin prevents dangerous spikes in blood sugar and other hormone levels. However, consomatin is more stable and specific than somatostatin, making it a promising model for drug development.

The researchers found that consomatin targets the same protein as somatostatin but does so more precisely, affecting only blood sugar levels without influencing other hormones. This makes it more targeted than the most precise synthetic drugs currently available for hormone regulation.

Though using snail venom as a treatment might be risky, understanding its structure could lead to safer drugs for endocrine disorders. Consomatin’s stability is due to an unusual amino acid that prevents it from breaking down quickly, a feature that could inspire longer-lasting medications.

Senior author Professor Helena Safavi noted that the precision of the toxin could be incredibly useful in treating diseases. “Venomous animals have evolved to fine-tune venom components to target specific physiological processes, often relevant to disease,” she said. Safavi explained that consomatin, which shares an evolutionary lineage with somatostatin, has been refined by the cone snail over millions of years into a highly effective weapon.

Consomatin works by rapidly lowering blood sugar, leaving the snail’s prey unresponsive, while a second component prevents blood sugar levels from recovering. Dr. Ho Yan Yeung, the study’s lead author, suggested that the venom might contain other glucose-regulating molecules, not just insulin- and somatostatin-like toxins.

US National Parks Get $100M Boost for Ecosystem Protection

The National Park Foundation (NPF) is set to receive a $100 million donation from the Lilly Endowment, marking the largest philanthropic gift in its history. This funding is designated to protect the most fragile ecosystems within the national parks.

While some parks, like Glacier and Canyonlands, safeguard vast landscapes, others, such as Biscayne Bay and Channel Islands, focus on smaller, highly vulnerable ecosystems. The $100 million from Lilly Endowment will be directed toward these at-risk areas.

Will Shafroth, President and CEO of the NPF, mentioned that the funds will also support the over 400 sites managed by the National Park Service beyond the 63 major parks. Recent NPF projects include restoring coral reefs in Biscayne Bay and wild trout habitats in western parks. Shafroth expects the first grants from the Lilly donation to continue this work.

Despite the Great American Outdoors Act, which aims to generate $9.5 billion over five years for conservation, the National Park Service still faces a $24 billion backlog in deferred maintenance. To address this gap, the NPF has launched a fundraising campaign, with Lilly Endowment leading the way. According to the NPF, such contributions are vital for tackling urgent conservation projects while federal budget negotiations continue.

“For over 50 years, private philanthropy has been crucial in bridging the gap between park needs and available funding. This grant will significantly boost our efforts to preserve our national parks for future generations,” Shafroth said.

Aurora From Space

Two weeks ago, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issued a warning about a massive geomagnetic solar storm that began on August 11.

Within hours, a breathtaking aurora lit up the sky, captured by two photographers—one a pilot on a passenger plane and the other an astronaut aboard the International Space Station (ISS).

A series of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) produced a spectacular light show lasting over 48 hours, visible across North America and possibly reaching as far south as Alabama and Northern California.

NASA astronaut Matthew Dominick, orbiting on the ISS, shared incredible images of the aurora online, gaining thousands of fans.

Matthew Dominick – X

Meanwhile, Scott Bateman, a pilot flying an Airbus A350-1000 on a long-haul international flight, had a front-row view of the spectacle from within Earth’s atmosphere. Bateman described the scenes as he flew across the globe: “It was spectacular! It started as we passed Chicago at 39,000 feet and lasted until dawn over Ireland, when it turned purple. I have never seen the aurora borealis so vivid with reds and purples.”

Scott Bateman from the cockpit of an Airbus – cropped

Bateman captured these stunning images using his iPhone 15 without any editing or filters, offering an unaltered view of the aurora from his cockpit.

Red and green Northern Lights by pilot Scott Bateman at 39k feet – cropped

Auroras result from disturbances in the magnetosphere caused by solar flares and winds. These dynamic light displays can appear as curtains, rays, spirals, or flickering patterns across the sky.

Purple Northern Lights over Ireland by Scott Bateman – cropped

The Corn Cob Towers

Continuing our periodic articles on buildings, cities, and architecture, we are featuring some fascinating towers from Chicago, Marina City.

I find the building and room layouts to be particularly interesting, considering that round shapes are often less space efficient. Another aspect I like are the common areas. They create a village type of setup, despite being condensed in just a few buildings.

I am not sure if this is the type of design I would like to see take over apartment block or high-rise housing design. Regardless, it is quite interesting.

What do you think, would you ever live in something like this?

Nuclear Recycling Coming to the U.S.

Despite increasing recognition that nuclear energy could be the most effective solution for reliable low-carbon electricity in the United States, the nuclear power industry faces significant obstacles—chief among them, the management of radioactive spent fuel. However, new initiatives to recycle nuclear waste, long delayed by legal and regulatory challenges, could address this issue and more if given the chance to thrive.

For the past 50 years, nuclear energy development in the U.S. has been hampered by bureaucratic obstacles and public fears that have stalled the construction of new, safe, nuclear plants.

Recently, however, there has been a rare bipartisan shift in favor of nuclear power. Such as at the 29th U.N. Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP 29), signaling that environmentalists now regard nuclear power as a clean energy source.

Nevertheless, revitalizing the U.S. nuclear power industry remains a complex challenge. Ed McGinnis, CEO of Curio, a company aiming to recycle nuclear fuel in the U.S., noted that Democrats and Republicans are both looking to nuclear, though for different reasons. This bipartisan support has led to commitments to triple nuclear capacity in the U.S. However, McGinnis pointed out that utilities are still hesitant to place orders for advanced reactors due to the complex challenges they face.

Even if utilities manage to navigate the regulatory approval process, they still need a reliable fuel supply and a safe method for disposing of spent fuel. Since 1992, the U.S. has relied heavily on imported uranium to meet the needs of its nuclear power industry.

In the United States, spent nuclear fuel—typically used in reactors for about five years—is removed once it has exhausted roughly 4% of its fissionable material. This waste, totaling over 85,000 metric tons, is initially cooled in water on-site before being placed in dry cask storage. Currently, there are more than 60 such storage sites across 34 states. The Department of Energy (DOE), tasked with overseeing the safe disposal of nuclear waste, has yet to establish a permanent repository. Because of the burden of keeping nuclear waste on their property, most companies are not likely to hop on until the waste problem is solved.

Waste recycling has been profitably employed in other countries for decades. For example, Orano, a leading global recycling company, has reprocessed over 40,000 metric tons of used nuclear fuel since 1976. In February 2024, Orano and SHINE Technologies, a U.S. company specialized in sustainable energy solutions, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with a view to developing a pilot plant in the USA for recycling used nuclear fuel from light water reactors.

Spent nuclear fuel still contains 96% of its original energy value, which could be repurposed for new fuel. Additionally, the fission process generates valuable isotopes for medical, industrial, and national security applications. Recycling could supply the U.S. with enough energy to meet its needs for the next 150 years.

“Used nuclear fuel is only waste if you waste it,” said Orano’s communications director, Curtis Roberts. Through recycling, 96% of spent nuclear fuel can be repurposed, with the remaining 4% safely stored until its radioactivity decays. This process takes about 300 years, as apposed to current methods which advise a storage range between tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of years.

The 4% also contains useful materials like krypton-85, strontium-90, and rare-earth elements that could potentially be extracted.