Potential Cancer Vaccine

Researchers at Western University have identified a protein with the unique ability to halt DNA damage, which could pave the way for new cancer vaccines and drought-resistant crops.

The protein, called DdrC, was found in Deinococcus radiodurans, a bacterium known for its ability to survive extreme radiation levels that would kill regular human cells. Lead researcher Robert Szabla explains that DdrC plays a crucial role in repairing damaged DNA, similar to an athlete recovering from severe injuries overnight.

Unlike human cells, which die if their DNA suffers more than two breaks, Deinococcus can repair hundreds of breaks with the help of DdrC. Szabla’s team used the Canadian Light Source at the University of Saskatchewan to map the 3D structure of the protein, revealing how it detects and traps DNA breaks, preventing further damage and signaling for repair.

DdrC stands out because it works independently, unlike most proteins that rely on complex networks to function. When tested in E. coli, it made the bacterium 40 times more resistant to UV radiation. This discovery suggests that DdrC could enhance DNA repair in various organisms, potentially leading to breakthroughs in biotechnology, such as cancer prevention.

The researchers are just beginning to explore the potential of Deinococcus, with many more proteins yet to be studied that could offer new insights and applications.

FDA Approves Drug That Targets Brain Cancer Gene Mutation

This month, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved a new drug for IDH-mutant low-grade glioma, a type of brain cancer. The drug, vorasidenib, is a targeted therapy that inhibits the IDH gene mutation, slowing cancer growth.

The IDH gene was first identified in 2008 by Dr. Bert Vogelstein and his team at Johns Hopkins, who mapped the genetic blueprint of brain cancer. This discovery revealed that IDH mutations are common in certain brain tumors, which had not been previously recognized.

Typically, treatment involves surgery, followed by radiation and chemotherapy. Vorasidenib may allow some patients to delay these additional treatments. According to Matthias Holdhoff, M.D., Ph.D., co-director of the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center brain tumor program, this drug could become a new standard for treating slow-growing IDH-mutant gliomas.

A phase 3 clinical trial published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that vorasidenib significantly improved progression-free survival for 331 patients with grade 2 IDH-mutant glioma, compared to a placebo. Vogelstein’s research also led to a new classification for gliomas, distinguishing between those with IDH mutations, which generally have better outcomes, and those without, such as glioblastoma, a more aggressive form of brain cancer.

About 80% of low-grade gliomas have IDH mutations. These tumors, which mostly affect younger adults, grow more slowly and are linked to longer survival rates compared to high-grade gliomas. Vogelstein notes that understanding diseases through research ultimately leads to better treatments.

The IDH discovery has also spurred further research into other brain cancers. Johns Hopkins University holds patents for the IDH discovery, licensed to Servier Laboratories, which funded the phase 3 trial. The university and its inventors, including Vogelstein, will receive royalties from this licensing agreement.

‘Gulf War Syndrome’ Cause Discovered

Nearly one million veterans from 41 nations participated in the Gulf War, with 25 to 32 percent of them suffering from Gulf War Illness (GWI), often known as Gulf War Syndrome.

A groundbreaking study has identified a probable cause for this illness, which has affected soldiers since their deployment in 1990 and 1991. Symptoms such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), persistent fatigue, headaches, and joint pain affect approximately 200,000 veterans in the United States and 30,000 in the United Kingdom.

Many armed forces members were exposed to hazards like depleted uranium, nerve agents, pesticides, and anti-nerve agent medications. Researchers from Australia’s Griffith University suggest that GWI is most likely caused by the damaging effects of biological and chemical substances on cell structures due to prolonged and intensive exposure. These chemicals can disrupt normal cellular activity due to their sensitivity and vulnerability.

The research found that veterans have faulty integral cell structures responsible for transferring calcium. Cellular calcium is a signaling chemical that regulates fundamental processes such as muscle contraction, nerve conduction, and hormone production. The study reveals that GWI veterans experience a malfunction in cell ion channels, particularly transient receptor potential ion channels. This finding marks a significant advancement in understanding this complex disease.

Identifying a cause is crucial to alleviating the often debilitating symptoms. And with this understanding, we can work towards finding a cure to support our veterans in the future.

Lightning: The Origin of Life?

Scientists have long investigated the origins of life on Earth, with many theories pointing to asteroids or comets as sources of life’s building blocks. However, a team of chemists at Harvard University has uncovered evidence suggesting that cloud-to-ground lightning strikes might have played a role in generating these essential components.

In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the Harvard team detailed an experiment designed to replicate early Earth conditions and observe the chemical reactions resulting from simulated lightning strikes. While previous theories focused on comets, asteroids, and cloud-to-cloud lightning as sources of these building blocks, the team found these explanations less convincing. For instance, space collisions became less frequent after Earth’s formation, and cloud-to-cloud lightning is less effective in producing useful materials.

The Harvard researchers propose a more plausible scenario involving cloud-to-ground lightning strikes. They recreated early Earth conditions in a lab and simulated lightning strikes across models of air, water, and land. They analyzed the products of these simulations, particularly focusing on substances that ended up in the water.

The results showed that carbon and nitrogen transformed into molecules potentially crucial for early life, such as carbon monoxide, formic acid, nitrite, nitrate, and ammonium. Adding minerals similar to those on early Earth, they repeated the simulations and found the formation of sulfide minerals, like those near volcanic eruptions, and increased ammonia production, which is essential for life.

Their findings suggest that cloud-to-ground lightning strikes might be a more likely source of life’s building blocks than comets, asteroids, or cloud-to-cloud lightning.

Rolls-Royce in Space

Rolls-Royce has secured funding from the United Kingdom Space Agency under the National Space Innovation Program (NSIP) to further develop its space nuclear power technology. The $6.2 million (£4.8 million) award will support the advancement and demonstration of key technologies in the space nuclear micro-reactor.

The Rolls-Royce NSIP project, with a total cost of $11.7 million (£9.1 million), aims to bring the reactor closer to a full system space flight demonstration. The company will collaborate with academic partners from the University of Oxford and Bangor University to develop the entire system design, underlying capabilities, and key technologies.

This project addresses the need for a reliable power supply in space, enabling long-term exploration on the Moon and beyond. Rolls-Royce had previously unveiled a conceptual model design of a nuclear Space Micro-Reactor that could one day supply electricity for a lunar settlement. This prototype was presented at the UK Space Conference in Belfast last year.

The lack of sunlight on the Moon’s south side poses a challenge for researchers and expeditions. A nuclear-powered reactor could solve this problem and support a continuous human presence on the Moon. The small, lightweight reactor would operate unaffected by the absence of sunlight, making it ideal for an outpost inside a dark crater at the south pole.

The proposed reactor, measuring 3.3 feet (40 inches) in width and 10 feet (120 inches) in length, is still in development and not yet capable of generating electricity. If all goes as planned, it will take approximately six years and several million dollars to prepare the reactor for its first space flight.