Dog Saves Owner’s Life

In Washington state, an 84-year-old man was saved by his dog, Gita, after he fell and couldn’t move due to a leg injury.

On September 25th, the unnamed man fell outside his home. Gita ran to a main road, where she stood in traffic to get help. Deputy Wright, who was patrolling the area in Stevens County, noticed the dog but didn’t see any houses or her owner. He tried to coax Gita into his patrol car, but she refused to move. After checking nearby residences with no luck, Deputy Wright returned to Gita, who had laid down in the center of the road.
When he attempted to move her again, she took off down a steep, unmarked side road. Wright followed her, which led him to a small cabin. There, he found the elderly man on the ground, calling for help. He had been lying there for hours and had other medical conditions requiring regular medication. If Gita hadn’t led Wright to him, the situation would have ended badly.

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