How Millennial Parents Find Joy Daily

A recent poll reveals that small moments of joy can transform an ordinary day into memorable family time for parents. The survey, conducted by Talker Research on behalf of Hostess, involved 2,000 American millennial parents.

The results indicate that parents try to have fun with their kids outside the normal schedule five days a week. Eighty-six percent of parents feel confident in their ability to create small moments of joy for their family throughout the day, and 91% believe that these moments positively impact their own and their children’s well-being.

The top activities parents engage in to make their days more joyful include making their kids laugh, being silly with their kids, and cuddling. Additionally, some enjoy doing something spontaneous and fun. When faced with mundane tasks, parents often inject joy by singing along to music, being silly, or dancing with their kids.

On average, parents attempt to surprise their kids with fun activities three times a week. Parents also enjoy treating their kids to spontaneous activities such as giving them a special treat or snack, buying them something new, or playing games together. However, most of the parents prefer planning fun activities for their kids ahead of time. Weekends are preferred creating spontaneous moments of joy, as they allow more time for relaxation without the pressures of school or work. Nine in 10 parents believe that the more time families spend playing together, the happier and closer they will feel.

Eighty-eight percent of parents believe it’s important to have family outings outside the home at least once per week.

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